If you encounter a problem launching presentation pro via the portal. Please make sure you are following the steps outlined in the article How Do I Use Presentation Pro On My Computer.
If you are and you are still encountering a problem, please follow the steps below:
- Log out of Portal.GMGSavings.com by scrolling to the bottom of the home page and clicking the Log Out option that appears on the right hand side of the footer.
- Open a new web browser
- Log back into Portal.GMGSavings.com
- Follow the steps outlined above in the How Do I Use Presentation Pro On My Computer article.
If after troubleshooting and restarting your portal, you are still encountering a problem, please submit a support request via the support button on any page in your portal. When you open the support button, you have the option to include a screenshot of the issue you are encountering, please if at all possible include one. It will help the IT department in assisting you.
Thank you!